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The Windows Phone Store is packed with apps that can greatly increase productivity and save money for business users.

If you run a company, large or small (and if you work for one, for that matter), it’s always worth considering how you can make mobile technology work for you. Here are ten apps that will help you maximize profits as well as make the most of those precious minutes and hours in the office.
Lync 2013

You’ll need to have a Lync server running or to be signed up to an Office365/Lync Online account if you want your workforce to use this, but it’s a huge productivity booster, in that it can tell you in real time which of your colleagues are available for calling, messaging or emailing. More importantly, though, it’s a tool for conference calling and instant messaging that doesn’t require long, awkward passcodes or numbers: that speeds up the whole experience. All in all, it’s a super efficient way to get immediate answers and take timely decisions with your team, while saving on on phone bills for mobile workers.

TimePunch Mobile

This is a very useful tool that allows you to parse and analyze exactly how long you (or your employees) are spending on particular tasks, which, of course, enables you to then streamline your workflow. You can sync your data to the Windows version so that you can view it on your computer, and you can export and import data that way too. Priceless – and free!

Budget Buddy

One of many budgeting tools available in the Windows Phone Store, this is an expense tracker that will allow your employees to efficiently track their work-related spending and save you time dealing with their claims: they can photograph their receipts, graph their spending in relation to their allocated budget, and export the data to OneDrive later. Quick, efficient and eliminates endless paper-trails.


Social media is great, but it can be a scourge to productivity. Turn it to your advantage by getting your team onto Yammer: a Facebook-esque system that restricts your contacts to the people you work with. Use it to share ideas and files, ask questions, and open documents: it’s a communication tool and a collaboration tool all in one.
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